Games of my youth
My dad is selling the family house, so I just received a bunch of boxes with a bunch of old stuff I hadn't seen in years. One box contained all my old Commodore 64 5.25" disks (unfortunately, the C64 was nowhere to be found). Looking at these disks brought back a lot of memories of a LOT of hours spent playing them.
- SuperStar Ice Hockey (way ahead of its time, included multi-season franchise mode, with player trades, drafts, training, etc)
- M.U.L.E.
- QuantumLink - recently revived, kinda
- GEOS - made my C64 as slick as my friend's new Macintosh - except that mine had color!
- Zork III - these used to be available free online, but I think Activision has pulled them, with an eye towards making some bucks off nostalgic geeks.
- Bard's Tale III - one of the great RPGs, before RPG was watered down to mean "a game that allows you to level-up your character". Not to be confused with the recent PS2/XBOX game that soiled a once good name.
- Wasteland - the coolest RPG of the day (yeah, Bard's Tale gets points for being first, but Wasteland had style). It was later "unofficially" revived as Fallout 2, which did an admirable job or recreating the fun of the original series.
- Dragon Wars - an unofficial successor to the Bard's Tale series - it never held my attention the way BT3 and Wasteland did.
Now I need to get one of those parallel cables to hook up a 1541 drive and copy these disk images to VICE.
last ninja, creatures, the great giana sisters, ultima3/4, great escape, ye ar kung fu and many many awesome text based like 'ten little indians' or my favorite 'erik the viking'
althought I didn't got my hands on wasteland and bards tale(just knowed about BT on PC) I think the best games ever written was on c64, because of imagination(and small age:-) and my year! struggle playing Sid's Mayer Pirates!
aaaaaaa a tear drop for C64
I spent so many hours with my c-64s and actually used it right up through my sophomore year in college. What a sweet little machine.
PS. Thanks for the profile.aspx sample. I'm rewriting my site and it's going to save me a lot of time.